Shay first started surfing around the age of 13 at Miami Beach, where the small waves of South Florida were just enough to make him fall in love with the sport, and ultimately shape who he is today.
As Shay's love for surfing grew, his desire to travel and surf different waves brought him to places like the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.
It was during these trips that Shay got his first taste of really good surf. Not long after that, he decided to start spending the winter months surfing in San Diego, and the summer months in Puerto Escondido.
As the years went by, Shay alternated between work and travel and found himself surfing amazing waves in places like Indonesia, France, Chile, Tonga, Samoa, and Hawaii.
Eventually, Shay's pilgrimage took him to Panama, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. After spending some time in Nicaragua, getting to know it's people, and exploring the country for new waves, he knew it was where he wanted to stay and plant his roots with his family.